![Johnson's 嬰兒閃亮洗髮精 500ml](https://i0apiwww.babyhk.com/erp/imgupload/babyhk/product_gallery/527/tbn5391_WeChat%2520%25E6%2588%25AA%25E5%259C%2596_20240316132833.png)
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![Slide Image](https://i0apiwww.babyhk.com/erp/imgupload/babyhk/product_gallery/527/img5391_WeChat%2520%25E6%2588%25AA%25E5%259C%2596_20240316132833.png)
使用方法:將適量洗髮露塗抹於頭髮,起泡後用水沖淨。使用前請搖匀 警告:由成人陪同下使用。只供外用。使用後如有不適,請暫停使用並詢問醫護人員 。請置於幼兒無法取得之處 儲存:儲存時避免陽光直射
How to use : Apply appropriate amount of shampoo to hair, lather and rinse with water. Please shake well before use Warning : Use only with adult supervision. For external use only. If you feel any discomfort after use, please stop using it and ask a medical professional. Please keep it out of reach of small children Storage : Avoid direct sunlight when storing
Original Price
使用方法:將適量洗髮露塗抹於頭髮,起泡後用水沖淨。使用前請搖匀 警告:由成人陪同下使用。只供外用。使用後如有不適,請暫停使用並詢問醫護人員 。請置於幼兒無法取得之處 儲存:儲存時避免陽光直射
How to use : Apply appropriate amount of shampoo to hair, lather and rinse with water. Please shake well before use Warning : Use only with adult supervision. For external use only. If you feel any discomfort after use, please stop using it and ask a medical professional. Please keep it out of reach of small children Storage : Avoid direct sunlight when storing